Thursday, December 22, 2011


Islam is a religion that was founded by Muhammad in 622 AD, Saudi Arabia. It has 1.3 billion followers worldwide. The people are called Muslims. People that follow this religion believe in only one god, Allah. The purpose of life is for humans to submit Islam to the will of God to gain paradise after death. Muslims believe their afterlife consists of Paradise or Hell. Some practices in the Islamic religion are: Five Pillars, attending Mosque services on Fridays, Ablutions before prayer, no alcohol or pork, and holidays related to the pilgrimage and fast of Ramadan. The Five Pillars are: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage, and Fasting. This religion has two Holy books the Qur’an (scripture) and the Hadith (tradition).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Faith- Botswana

1.       The people stay up all night on Christmas.

2.       They have Basic and Secondary Education

3.       During Christmas the churches are decorated elaborately.

Gunnar- Zambia

1.       Many churches show nativity scenes for several days before Christmas

2.       The three stages of education are primary, secondary, and tertiary.

3.        On Christmas day children are encouraged to bring presents to church for less fortunate children or children in the hospital.

Dale- Costa Rica

1.       Costa Rica has more teachers than police officers.

2.       They consider education pride.

3.       Costa Rica has a 93 percent literacy level.

Lindsey - Brazil

1.       The school system is divided into three levels: fundamental, intermediate, and higher education.

2.       To graduate you have to pass a test reviewing.

3.        Trees in Bosnia are decorated with toys, chocolate, lights, and colored balls and are traditionally topped with stars.

Mark- Norway

1.       Families make baskets of colored paper to hang on the Christmas tree.

2.       On Christmas afternoon children walk around asking for Sand Kager.

3.       A school day lasts from 7:00 A.M. to noon.

Nate- Turkey

1.       Christmas lasts 29 to 30 days.

2.       They fast from sunrise to sunset.

3.       They refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking.

Caleb- Zimbabwe

1.       People are very festive before Christmas.

2.       The Christmas party starts a month before Christmas.

3.        There are three levels of education.

Josh- England

1.       In England children start primary school at the age of five.

2.       In Brazil, like America, they create a nativity scene or a Presépio.

3.       Brazilians use flowers from their gardens to decorate during Christmas.

Courtney- Australia

1.       Australia shares the tradition of a Christmas tree with us.

2.       They have dance parties and get-togethers at the beaches.

3.       There are special television programs available on Christmas day.

Hannah- Philippines

1.       They have to be at the 60 percent mark to graduate.

2.       School runs from February to November.

3.       Private schools attend school from August through May.

Abby- Mexico

1.       Nativity scenes are popular.

2.       People do not go caroling or decorate their house.

3.       They set off fireworks on Christmas Eve.

Viola- Thailand

1.       The students in Thailand are required to wear uniforms.

2.       They eat lunch in their classroom.

3.       There is no snow on Christmas Day.

Sara- New Zealand

1.       According to statistics, New Zealand’s education is the 7th best in the world.

2.       On Christmas day, the have barbeques for lunch.

3.       The school year lasts from February to December.