Monday, January 30, 2012

The Crusades Notes

  • Selijuq Turks were muslim people from Central Asia.
  • They gained control of Palestine (Christians know as "the Holy Land.")
  • Went to attack Asia Minor (part of the Byzantine Empire)
  • Urban II was a pope.
  • He was eager to regain the land so in 1095 he called a meeting of church leaders and feudal lords.
  • The meeting was in Clermont, France.
  • Crusades a series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land.
  • At least 10,000 Europeans took up the cause.
  • Latin word cruciata means "marked with a cross."
  • Crusaders were people who sewed a cross of cloth on their clothes. 
  • Some people believed if they died on crusade that they would go straight to heaven.
  • Some went to save souls.
  • Others went to gain land and wealth
  • Some merchants saw chance to make money. 
  •  Crusades appealed to love of adventure and promise of rewards.
  • 1st Crusade lasted from 1096 - 1099.
  • French & Italian lords led many armies of crusaders from Europe to Constantinople. 
  •   Emperor allowed crusaders to pass through Constantinople. 
  •   Target was the city of Jerusalem.
  • Had series of vicious battles and then crusaders captured Jerusalem.
  •   Slaughtered its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. 
  •  European customs and institutions put into place in parts of southwest Asia and the Holy Land.
  • Crusaders set up four small states.
  •  Christians and Muslims grew to respect each other. 
  •  Many Europeans adopted Eastern customs & began to wear Eastern clothes and eat Eastern foods.
  •  For almost 100 years European Christians held on to Palestine.
  • Turks won back their lost lands. 
  •  Popes and European rulers tried to stop them during the 3 major crusades.
  • 2nd Crusade - by 1146 Turks united their forces. 
  •  Turks started taking back cities that crusaders had captured.    
  •  1147 - 2nd Crusade began.
  •  King Louis VII of France & German king Conrad III led seperate armies across Europe.
  •  1149 - crusaders returned to Europe in disgrace.
  • 1187 - Muslim leader Saladin gained control of Jerusalem.
  • 3rd crusade - Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip II of France, King Richard I of England led seperate armies. 
  •  3rd Crusade - lasted from 1189 - 1192
  • Barbarossa drowned on way to Holy Land so army turned back.
  •  Richard couldn't capture Jerusalem.
  •  Richard settles for truce with Saladin. 
  •  Allowed Christians to enter Jerusalem freely.
  • Pope Innocent III gathered a group of French knights for 4th Crusade. 
  • 1202 - left on ships 
  •  1204 - crusaders attacked & looted Constantinople.
  •  Stole many things that were holy to the Byzantine Christians.
  •  Constantinople remained under western European control for about 60 years
  • 1453 - Turks seized Constantinople
  • In 1212 the short-lived and unfortunate children's crusade took place.

Thursday, January 26, 2012



1.       People bathed once a month.

2.       People wore the same clothes day after day, they only had one outfit.

3.       They used lavender flowers and mint in the water for cleaning. These were used to keep the fleas away because they had a lot of animals  and staw in their houses.


1.       The word chairman comes from the Middle Ages where a house only had one chair, for the exclusive use of the man of the family.


1.       At night time people would pile onto a mattress, a lump of straw on the floor. The whole family slept in the same bed. If an animal was friendly they may sleep in the bed to keep you warm of course.


1.       Troubadours traveled from town to town singing for their supper.

2.       His songs were often about love or the glory of kings.

3.       Troubadours would strum a lute.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Alfred The Great - had the Anglo and Saxons come together to be Anglo-Saxons

Edward The Confessor - last Anglo-Saxon king, he had no direct aire

Battle of Hastings - top 100 battles of world history, lasted less than a week, in 1066, between Harold Godwinson and William the Duke of Normandy

Harold Godwinson - Edward's brother-in-law, they thought he should be new king

William defeats Harold, William is given title "William the Conqueror"

William was Edward's cousin from France, and first to collect a census

Shyers - people who collected data of census (sheriffs). they wrote info down in the Domesday Book, which came to be the Doomsday Book

April 15 is Tax day

Henry II - succeeds Henry I, who succeeded William

Henry II was the grandson of William.

Henry II’s best friend was Thomas Becket. Henry II made a new law involving the church but Thomas didn't like the law so he went to talk Henry. Thomas and Henry II got in a big argument and Henry says out of anger "I just wish he would die". Henry II didn’t know that his knights were eavesdropping outside and heard everything he had said. The knights thought Henry was giving them orders and they followed Thomas to Canterbury. At Canterbury they stabbed him to death at the altar in the church on Christmas Eve.

John  was Henry II's son and he succeeded him.

John wanted to have a war with everybody. Then he started to tax the people ridiculously. Some was up to 87%

People meet in 1215 at Running Meed - conspire to fight against King John. To force him to sign Magna Carta, which was one of the foundations of U.S. Constitution.

Magna Carta is Latin for great charter

Magna Carta protected liberties of nobles and limited the rights for ordinary people King John agreed not to collect new or special taxes without the consent of Great Council. King John promised not to take property without paying. He also promised not to sell, refuse, or delay justice,or  let any accused person be judged by a jury of their peers.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

United Kingdom

I would like to go to the United Kingdom because i think it would be cool to see all of the castles.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Lindsey- Bosnia

Bosnia is a democracy.

Bosnia doesn’t have a preschool.

The Toys are made to be simple.

The books in Bosnia are based on religion and morals.

Shania- Peru

The capital city of Peru is Lima.

The children play with marbles and coins.

The age to start school is three.

Faith- Brazil

The people in Brazil speak Portuguese.

The population of Brazil is 194,946,470.

Brazil is the only country in Brazil that doesn’t speak Spanish.

The children in Brazil like playing outside, jumping rope, and playing with checkers for fun.

The school year runs from February to December.

Caleb- Zimbabwe

The official language is English.

The children learn the importance of adulthood through a game.

Zimbabwe’s Independence Day is April 18th.

Mark- Greece

Ninety-nine percent of Greece’s population speaks Greek.

The toys in Greece are similar to ours in the United States.

The elves in Greece pray for the children until January 6th.

The people of Greece celebrates Christmas on the same day we do December 25.

Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.

John- Spain

The official language is Spanish.

The children in Spain play videogames, and play sports for fun.

The government is a constitutional monarchy.

In 1059 Portugal separated from Spain.

IN 1452 Jews were expelled from Spain.

Hannah- Portugal
Tops are popular toys in Portugal.

Christmas is on December 25th.

On Christmas the children write to Jesus instead of Santa.

Haley- Switzerland   

The official language is Swedish.

Rag Dolls are popular girl toys.

June 6th is Switzerland’s Independence Day.

Samantha- Morocco

The official Language is Arabic.

Morocco’s alphabet has 28 letters.

Legends and Love poems are commonly read.

Preschool is two years and High school is three years

Casablanca is a popular tourist attraction.    

Their government is a Constitutional legislature.

Krista- Barbados

Fiction and Inspirational novels are the most popular kinds of books.

November 30th is Independence Day.

Kristen- Japan

Tokyo is the Capital city.

The official language spoken in Japan is Japanese.

Kites are popular toys in Japan.

One tradition is a Japanese garden.

Sushi is a popular food in Japan.

Raychel- Italy

Italy's children's toys are similar to ours in the United States.

You have to go to school from ages 5 to 16.

The leaning tower of Pisa is a popular tourist attraction.

Karlie- Egypt

They speak Arabic.

The kids play a lot of board games.

They are a republic.

They have 80 pyramids.

They have a carved out sand cliff.

Paige- Argentina

The capital Buenos Ares.

Spanish is the official language.

The Magic Bean Tree is a popular legend.

Argentina is a republic.

Lunch is the biggest meal of the day.

Katara- France

The population is 16,742,000.

They speak French.

Their government is a republic.

The children get two weeks off for winter and spring.

Gunnar- Thailand

They have a king in charge of the military.

Thailand was a monarchy until 1952.  

Education is free up to age 17.

Thailand has one of the highest literacy rate in the world.

Their population is 66,720,000.

They drive on the left side of the road.

Dale- Panama

The population is 3,516,820.

They speak Spanish.

They celebrate Christmas, Independence Day, and New Year’s.

They have 6 years of primary.

Courtney- Scotland

The children’s toys are similar to the ones we have in the United States.

The food in Scotland is like ours in the United States.

Their vacation is called a holiday.

Count the Stars is the most common nursery rhyme.  

Josh- United Kingdom

The capital is London.

English is the most common language.

Cricket is a popular game played in the United Kingdom.

Chips in the United Kingdom are French fries.

Fish and chips is wrapped in newspaper.

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris Wheel in the world.

Viola- Ireland

Dublin is the capital of Ireland.

Ireland has similar games and entertainment as we do in the United States.

Ireland is a Republic.

April 1st is April Fool’s Day.

They have three levels of education.

Abby- Madagascar

They mostly speak French and English.

The nursery rhymes are similar to the United States.

Their government is a republic.

Rice is eaten at every meal.

June 26th is Independence Day in Madagascar.

Chase- Venezuela

They are a republic.

The common language is Spanish.

Kids have to go to a primary school from ages 5 to 16.

Sara- Sweden
The population of Bolivia is 9,880,728.
The Old Man and the Old Woman had a Cow.
In Sweden they don’t decorate their Christmas until one or two days before Christmas.
Most kids start school at the age of six.
Lisburg is Sweden’s oldest theme park.
Kelsey- El Salvador
Spanish is the official language.
Most children’s stories are bilingual.
They celebrate their holidays the same way we do in America.