Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1. Catholic chruch had lost sight of a spiritual mission.
2. The popes did not set an example of moral leadership.
3. The priest engaged in misconduct.
4. The church became interested in income not saving souls.
5. There is no central government in Germany.
6. Tetzel began selling indulgences.
Martin Luther - Monk - believed in the Justification by faith.
He writes the 95 thesis. Takes the documents and nails them to the church do in Wittenburg. Martin Luther is banned from the Catholic Church.
7. Luther was summed to appear in front of the imperial diet.
8.Luther is commended to abandon his ideas.
9. Luther is banished from the empire his worms are banned.
10. Luther translates the Bible into German.
11. Luthers works and ideas continue to spread.
12. Luther stablishes the 1st prominent church.
13. The 1st denomination was Lutheranism.
Indulgence - buying forgiveness.
1. You have to pay.
2. If future sense, you buy in advance.
3. You pay for someone else to go to Heaven.

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