Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was his full name. He was Italian painter, sculptor, archetect, poem, and engineer. He was considered one of the greatest living painters of all time. One of his greatest acheivements was his painting of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. He is the first western artist who biography was published before he died. Born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese Tuscany, he was born into a family of bankers. Soon, the bank went bank bankrupt when his dad couldn't maintain the financial status. Soon, he decided to continue his career and be an artist. However rich I may have been, I have alwalys lived like a poor man.

Robert Hooke
Born in July 1635
Buuilt Greagorean telescopes
English philospher
help built london after the fire
Built the compound microscope

Nioccolo Nachiavelli
He lived his life for politicts
He wrote the book Prince

John Calvin
Born on July 10, 1509
He created Calvinism
Genovia became the center

Christopher Columbus
He was a italian navigator'
He traveled to the carribiean

Galilieo Galilei
Born in 1654 is Tuscany
Well know musician
Made a telescope with 32X magnification
He found Jupiters four moons
He was the first to record sun spots

Johannes Gutenberg
He was a german blacksmith and goldsmith
He introduced printed in Europe
He invinted movable printing press
Born in 1398

Leonardo da Vinci
He painted the Last Supper
He scetched tanks and cars

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